
by Colby Duke

Ribbon Cutting


Well, it happened: I finally bit the bullet and finished setting up this site. Honestly, I’m quite pleased with how it turned out and hope there is at least one person out there who will immediately recognize my inspiration for it. However, unless some dramatic life event alters my fate and bestows upon me far greater influence than I currently wield, I imagine I might be the only one to ever read these articles. I’m quite fine with the scenario if it occurs: if anything, the act of writing out and publishing my scatterbrained thoughts is more for my entertainment than anyone else’s.

In my experience, anyone who keeps a weblog is pretentious. Maybe it stems from the fact that believing your opinions and words matter enough to be considered by others requires no small dose of confidence, which so often morphs into arrogance. Regardless of the reason, I will not claim to be an exception. Even now as I write these lines, I can almost hear my older-self groaning at me. Doesn’t matter – I need some sort of creative outlet or else COVID will drive me insane. Music and art are out of the question due to a combined lack of resources and talent. Dancing is difficult to enjoy while socially distanced from one’s partner. I will leave photography to my brother, which means after the dust settles only writing remains. Here goes nothing I suppose.

Facts are boring and objective and unless they ratify one’s opinion, no one really gives two hoots about them. As such, I believe I will reserve this space for my opinions and my opinions alone - I need an escape from research papers and analytical journalism. In fact, maybe I will entirely avoid topics which lend themselves to objectivity in the first place. Honestly, where’s the fun in repeating a take everyone has heard 1000 times before? Something to consider. To end this first edition of my rambling, here’s an excellent quote from C.S. Lewis:

”Write about what really interests you, whether it is real things or imaginary things, and nothing else. Notice this means that if you are interested only in writing you will never be a writer, because you will have nothing to write about.”1

I’ll apply his advice to this weblog and focus on topics about which I am passionate. Knowing myself, this probably means my next entry will cover whatever album, book, or movie I am currently enjoying. Until then.

  1. The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume 3: Narnia, Cambridge, and Joy, 1950 - 1963.