Creative Outlets
Over COVID, I realized the exact degree to which I missed my typical high school creative outlets. Art, music, writing – these were all pastimes which, in retrospect, I took for granted. Therefore, I have started an active effort to return to these activities and observe how they affect me.
Towards the end of last semester, I started this little weblog in an effort to resume my writing skills. How successfully this venture continues remains to be seen, but I have enjoyed posting so far with as much consistency as I can muster. I believe it gives me a sense of accountability for transforming my ideas from thoughts in my head to a more tangible medium.
This last week, however, I went out on a whim and purchased my first electric guitar. While I learned piano for several years in middle and high school, I had never touched a guitar before last week. I believe the breaking point for me was when I realized that the main reason piano and I had not clicked recently was A: I no longer listened to music which was well suited for the piano and B: it was virtually impossible to bring a piano with me to Georgia Tech to have in my apartment.
An electric guitar fixed both of these issues: not only is it portable, but I can finally start learning how to play my current favorite songs – the vast majority of which feature at least one guitar. As of now, I am the proud memorizer of no less than 3 whole chords, E-A-D! In all seriousness though, I am excited to practice and hopefully can get up to speed in a short manner of time.
Anyways, to any random internet strangers who stumbled upon this website, if you feel as though something might be missing from your life, try a creative outlet! Writing and now playing music have had a measured impact on my mood recently and I firmly believe similar activities could benefit you as well.