Colby Duke

weblog · linkedin · github · resume

Heyo, welcome to my little corner of the internet! I'm Colby, a software engineer who works for Applied Intuition. My online alias is CDFalcon. As you can probably tell, I’m a sucker for old-school, barebones HTML websites.

I enjoy reading, playing and listening to music, competing in soccer, experiencing the outdoors, watching movies, SCUBA diving, browsing the internet, exploring new cities, and keeping a weblog about these activites.

On a more technical & professional side, I've mainly developed in the fields of simulation, autonomous vehicles, applied computer vision, synthetic data generation for machine learning, and wearable computing - however, I'm eternally curious and am always learning new topics.

This website is a work in progress, so mind the mess.

website style seem familiar? good
last updated on June 15th, 2023